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Are You Experiencing Constipation? 

Apr 9

Do you have constipation problems? Constipation is a common problem. Constipation is a common problem with digestive health in the United States. You have many options to help constipation naturally. This includes essential oils.

We'll be covering essential oils for constipation relief in this article. We'll share some tips on using essential oils to relieve constipation safely and effectively.

What Is Constipation and

Before we can discuss how to use essential oils to relieve constipation, you need to know what constipation is. You have trouble passing stool, or you have fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. Constipation is a condition that causes difficulty in swallowing. Dehydration, certain medications and a deficiency in fiber can all cause constipation.

Constipation is often uncomfortable and can even be painful. Constipation can also cause gas, bloating and cramps. Essential oils are a natural way to relieve constipation.

How Essential Oils Work?

Concentrated plant extracts are essential oils that contain the healing powers of the plants from which they were extracted. Essential oils are a powerful tool in promoting well-being and health when used correctly.

While there are many methods to use essential oil, aromatherapy is the most effective for constipation relief. Aromatherapy involves the use essential oils in a diffuser and inhaling directly from the bottles.

Essential Oils to Help with Constipation

Essential oils can relieve constipation by stimulating the digestive process and increasing bowel movement. They may also relieve abdominal pain or bloating. They may also help improve gut motility or reduce inflammation in the intestines.

Here are some of the best essential oils to relieve constipation:

  • Peppermint oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Ginger oil
  • Fennel oil
  • Aniseed oil

Use essential oils to help constipation relief. Add a few drops of oil to a diffuser. Or inhale directly from the bottle. You can also use essential oils for constipation relief by adding a few drops to cotton balls and placing it under your nasal area while you sleep. It is important to check with your healthcare provider if essential oils are used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Abdominal pain keeps you from sleeping? Try These:

  • You can place a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil on your pillow.
  • You can add a few drops to a diffuser and place it next to your bed.
  • Before bed, sip a cup or two of ginger tea.

Essential oils that contain lemon and peppermint menthols are ideal for constipation relief. These oils can ease bloating and abdominal pain by relaxing the intestine muscles. They may also increase gut motility or reduce inflammation in your intestines. Consult your healthcare provider before you try essential oils for constipation relief if pregnant or breastfeeding.


How long is it taking for essential oils in constipation treatment?

Each person's experience with essential oils may be different. Some people feel relief within minutes while others need to use essential oils for longer periods.

Are essential oils safe for pregnant women?

Consult your healthcare provider before you start using essential oils to ease constipation.

Which essential oils are most effective for constipation treatment?

Essential oils that contain lemon and peppermint menthols are ideal for constipation relief. These oils can ease bloating and abdominal pain by relaxing the muscles around the intestines.


We'd like to end by saying that essential oil can be used as a natural remedy for constipation relief. But, you should always consult your healthcare provider before using essential oils, especially for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.